Minsk Leather Production Association

About company

OJSC "MLPA" is one of the most modern tanneries in the Republic of Belarus

We are also one of the most technically equipped enterprises of the leather industry in the territory of the post-Soviet countries.

Long-term tradition of quality

The plant was built and commissioned in 1988 according to the project of the Italian company "Concerie Cogolo S.p.a." , the production facilities are designed to produce 500 million dm2 of finished leather and 200 million dm2 of split leather goods per year.

Imported technological equipment and the most modern chemical materials, the latest technologies for leather processing, the availability of an experimental base and highly qualified personnel are the key to the effective work of the organization in the domestic and foreign markets of leather goods.

Our mission

All fashionable footwear in the Republic of Belarus will be made of leather made by the Minsk Industrial Leather Association.

About us in numbers

Years in the global market
Employees at the enterprise
Name of product

Our development strategy

The main efforts of the company's staff are aimed at producing high-quality products and increasing their sales both domestically and for export.

Our goals

Increase in the production of finished leather goods with high consumer properties due to the introduction of new equipment, as well as measures that will be aimed at improving the technology and organization of labor and production
Development and introduction into production of new and innovative products, as well as methods of promotion and implementation
Increase in the number of new consumers, active promotion of products in domestic and foreign markets using promotional advertising aimed at the B2B segment
Working on a product, conducting marketing activities, working with clients on quality control, maintaining social networks

Trusted by major brands

More than 125 years of company history